import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import os
import proppy as pp
step_size = 1.0*10**11 # [m]
sphere = 10**14 # [m]
nr_steps = 1*10**4
nr_particles = 2*10**4
kappa = 2*10**22
energy = 10**12 # eV
sim = pp.IsotropicSimulation(nr_particles = 10**3, energy = energy, nr_steps = nr_steps, diffusion_coefficient_para = kappa, nr_obs_steps = 600)
%time sim.simulate()
mfp_ios 200133422281521.0 simulate with a diffusion coefficient of 20000000000000000000000 m²/s start simulation Propagator initialized Observer initialized saved data file isotropic.pkl CPU times: user 20.9 s, sys: 84 ms, total: 21 s Wall time: 21.1 s
df = pd.read_pickle("isotropic.pkl")
sta = pp.Statistics(df)
df_kappas = sta.plot_diffusion_coefficients(n_points_plateau=100)
init statistics plotting class
diffusion coefficients computed between 2.18e+15m and 1.00e+16m with 100 data points kappa_{xx}: 2.03e+22 m²/s +- 4.51e+20 m²/s kappa_{yy}: 1.93e+22 m²/s +- 1.25e+21 m²/s kappa_{zz}: 1.9e+22 m²/s +- 5.14e+20 m²/s
kappa = 1.5*10**20
sim = pp.IsotropicSimulation(nr_particles = 10**3, energy = energy, nr_steps = nr_steps, step_size = 1*10**11, diffusion_coefficient_para = kappa, nr_obs_steps = 600)
%time sim.simulate()
mfp_ios 1501000667111.4077 simulate with a diffusion coefficient of 1.5e+20 m²/s start simulation Propagator initialized Observer initialized saved data file isotropic.pkl CPU times: user 21.7 s, sys: 76 ms, total: 21.8 s Wall time: 21.8 s
df = pd.read_pickle("isotropic.pkl")
sta = pp.Statistics(df)
df_kappas = sta.plot_diffusion_coefficients(n_points_plateau=100)
init statistics plotting class
diffusion coefficients computed between 2.18e+14m and 1.00e+15m with 100 data points kappa_{xx}: 1.35e+20 m²/s +- 4.64e+18 m²/s kappa_{yy}: 1.48e+20 m²/s +- 7.11e+18 m²/s kappa_{zz}: 1.48e+20 m²/s +- 2.13e+18 m²/s
kappa = 1.5*10**19
sim = pp.IsotropicSimulation(nr_particles = 10**3, energy = energy, nr_steps = nr_steps, diffusion_coefficient_para = kappa, nr_obs_steps = 600, step_size = 1*10**10)
%time sim.simulate()
mfp_ios 150100066711.14075 simulate with a diffusion coefficient of 1.5e+19 m²/s start simulation Propagator initialized Observer initialized saved data file isotropic.pkl CPU times: user 26.9 s, sys: 112 ms, total: 27 s Wall time: 27.1 s
df = pd.read_pickle("isotropic.pkl")
sta = pp.Statistics(df)
df_kappas = sta.plot_diffusion_coefficients(n_points_plateau=100)
init statistics plotting class
diffusion coefficients computed between 2.18e+13m and 1.00e+14m with 100 data points kappa_{xx}: 1.4e+19 m²/s +- 3.99e+17 m²/s kappa_{yy}: 1.46e+19 m²/s +- 4.48e+17 m²/s kappa_{zz}: 1.43e+19 m²/s +- 2.37e+17 m²/s
def simulation(diffusion_coefficient):
sim = pp.Simulation()
source_pos = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
energy = 10**12 # eV
radius = sphere
source = pp.SphereSourceIsotropic(energy, source_pos, nr_particles, radius)
speed_of_light = 3*10**8 # [m/s]
mfp_iso = 3*diffusion_coefficient/speed_of_light
mfp = np.array([mfp_iso, mfp_iso, mfp_iso], dtype=np.float32) # [m]
propagator = pp.IsotropicPropagator(mfp, nr_steps, step_size)
substeps = [False, False, True] # observe only steps (no substeps)
spheres = [sphere]
observer = pp.SphericalObserver(substeps, spheres, on_detection_deactivate=True)
return sim
diffusion_coefficient = 1.5*10**21 # [m^2/s]
sim = simulation(diffusion_coefficient)
start simulation Propagator initialized Observer initialized
%time sim.run_simulation()
CPU times: user 47.6 s, sys: 16.1 ms, total: 47.6 s Wall time: 47.6 s saved data file data/data_tut_5_sphere.pkl
diffusion_coefficient = 1.5*10**20 # [m^2/s]
sim = simulation(diffusion_coefficient)
start simulation Propagator initialized Observer initialized
%time sim.run_simulation()
CPU times: user 2min 34s, sys: 16.2 ms, total: 2min 34s Wall time: 2min 34s saved data file data/data_tut_5_sphere_20.pkl
diffusion_coefficient = 1.5*10**19 # [m^2/s]
sim = simulation(diffusion_coefficient)
start simulation Propagator initialized Observer initialized
%time sim.run_simulation()
CPU times: user 3min 56s, sys: 36 ms, total: 3min 56s Wall time: 3min 56s saved data file data/data_tut_5_sphere_19.pkl
The transisitons from the ballistic to the diffusive regime can be apprximated in the above figures of the running diffusion coefficients and plotted in the following comparison plot.
files = ["data/data_tut_5_sphere.pkl", "data/data_tut_5_sphere_20.pkl", "data/data_tut_5_sphere_19.pkl"]
colors = ['r', 'dodgerblue', 'green']
kappas = [1.5*10**21, 1.5*10**20, 1.5*10**19]
transitions = [8*10**13, 8*10**12, 8*10**11]
bins = 40
logbins = np.logspace(np.log10(step_size/sphere),np.log10(step_size*nr_steps/sphere),bins)
for i, file in enumerate(files):
df = pd.read_pickle(file)
trajectory_lengths = df['d']
d = trajectory_lengths/sphere
weights = np.ones_like(d)/nr_particles
plt.hist(d, bins=logbins, weights=weights, histtype=u'step', edgecolor=colors[i], linewidth=1., facecolor="None", label='$\kappa=$ {:.1e}m$^2$/s'.format(kappas[i]))
plt.axvline(x=transitions[i]/sphere, color=colors[i], ls='--')
plt.title('total # particles injected = {:.0e}'.format(nr_particles))
plt.xlabel('$l_\mathrm{traj}$'+' / {:.0e}m'.format(sphere))
plt.ylabel('$N$ / $N_\mathrm{inj}$')
plt.legend(loc = "lower center")
The transitions from ballistic to diffusive propagation is evident in this comparison plot, as the slope of the histogram changes from a $N(D) \propto D^1$ to a $N(D) \propto D^{1/2}$ behaviour -> Particles leave the plasmoid slower when they reach the diffusive propagation regime!