import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import os
import proppy as pp
We use the same simulation from Tutorial 1 with a different propagation module.
sim = pp.Simulation()
start simulation
First, we have to define a source of particles that we want to propagate. The simples source type is the point source that emmits particles isotropically. The only user-specified parameters are:
The source can be easily added to the simulation. Afterwards, calling the description on the source of the simulation prints all relevant information and the values of the source parameters.
nr_particles = 10**3
source_pos = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
energy = 3*10**15 # eV
source = pp.PointSourceIsotropicPhi(energy, source_pos, nr_particles)
Description Source: The source defines the start conditions of the particles and covers the position, direction, energy, etc position: [0. 0. 0.] number particles: 1000 energy: 3000000000000000 eV source tpye: PointSourceIsotropic
Propagates particles via a correlated rrandom walk. The overall behaviour is governed by a generalized telegraph equation: $\frac{\partial f}{\partial t} = \sum_i \tau_i \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial t^2} = \sum_i \kappa_i \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_i^2}$.
Here, we use isotropic diffusion for simplicity that propagates particles using a correlated random walk in Cartesian coordinates. Isotropic diffusion is given when the turbulence is isotropic and there is no background field. In the following tutorials also the anisotropic diffusion is used. The only user-specified parameters for the simple case of isotropic diffusion are:
The propagator can be easily added to the simulation. Afterwards, calling the description on the propagator of the simulation prints all relevant information and the values of the propagation parameters.
nr_steps = 1*10**5
step_size = 0.1*10**10 # [m]
speed_of_light = 3*10**8 # [m/s]
diffusion_coefficient_perp = 1.3*10**18 # [m^2/s]
diffusion_coefficient_para = 1.4*10**20 # [m^2/s]
mfp_perp = 3*diffusion_coefficient_perp/speed_of_light*2
mfp_para = 3*diffusion_coefficient_para/speed_of_light
mfp = np.array([mfp_perp, mfp_perp, mfp_para], dtype=np.float32)
rms = 1 # Gaus
magnetic_field = pp.OrderedBackgroundField(rms, [0,0,1]).magnetic_field
propagator = pp.AnisotropicPropagator(magnetic_field, mfp, nr_steps, step_size)
Propagator initialized Description Propagator: The propagator is responsible for the movement of the particles. It performs the change of direction and the movement in the respective direction. There are two phases: - change direction with probability (see below) - move in all directions The movement takes place according to the correlated random walk (CRW). propagation tpye: AnisotropicPropagator Description Propagator: The propagator is responsible for the movement of the particles. It performs the change of direction and the movement in the respective direction. There are two phases: - change direction with probability (see below) - move in all directions The movement takes place according to the correlated random walk (CRW). coordinates: Cylindrical coordinates dimensions: 3 pitch angle: constant m/s speed: 299800000.0 m/s number steps: 100000 step size: 1000000000.0 m step duration: 3.335556983947754 s total distance: 100000000000000.0 m total duration: 333555.703802535 s probability to change directions in step: [1.923077 1.923077 0.03571429] %
The Observer determines during the simulation when and what data to write out (observe).
In each simulation step, the current particle state is evaluated by the Observer to check if one of the observing contions is satisfyed. The conditions to observe can be based on the time (-> step) or the coordinates of the particle.
The conditions to observe can be based on the time (or step) or the coordinates of the particle.
All special observer will create an Observer object and specify the relevant parameters for the observation conditions (unique_steps, shperes, box_dimensions)
substeps = [False, False, True] # observe only steps (no substeps)
min_step = 1
max_step = nr_steps
nr_obs_steps = 600
observer = pp.TimeEvolutionObserverLog(min_step, max_step, nr_obs_steps, substeps)
Observer initialized Description Observer: The observer defines the conditions for when to write data to the output. observer tpye: TimeEvolutionObserverLog spheres: [-1.] steps [0:10]: [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] steps [-11:]: [ 82513 84115 85747 87411 89107 90837 92600 94397 96228 98096 100000] nr steps: 445 substeps: [False False True] all_steps: False
%time sim.run_simulation()
CPU times: user 3min 33s, sys: 644 ms, total: 3min 34s Wall time: 3min 34s saved data file data/data_tut_2.pkl
As the particles propagate via a random walk, statistical properties of many particles are interesting, such as the diffusion coefficients and particle distributions. These quantities can be compared to analytical predictions.
Running diffusion coefficients are computed with the mean-squared displacement method:
$\kappa_{ii}(t) = \frac{<\Delta x_i^2>}{2t}$.
df = pd.read_pickle("data/data_tut_2.pkl")
df_time_evolution_observer = df.loc[df['radius'] == -1.0]
sta = pp.Statistics(df_time_evolution_observer)
isotropic = False # diffusion is anisotropic
errors = False # don't show error bars
df_kappas = sta.plot_diffusion_coefficients(isotropic, errors)
print('input kappa_perp:', f"{float(diffusion_coefficient_perp):.3}", 'm²/s')
print('input kappa_para:', f"{float(diffusion_coefficient_para):.3}", 'm²/s')
n = 100
print('kappa_{xx}:', f"{np.mean(df_kappas['kappa_xx'][-n:]):.3}", 'm²/s', '+-', f"{np.std(df_kappas['kappa_xx'][-n:]):.3}", 'm²/s')
print('kappa_{yy}:', f"{np.mean(df_kappas['kappa_yy'][-n:]):.3}", 'm²/s', '+-', f"{np.std(df_kappas['kappa_yy'][-n:]):.3}", 'm²/s')
print('kappa_{zz}:', f"{np.mean(df_kappas['kappa_zz'][-n:]):.3}", 'm²/s', '+-', f"{np.std(df_kappas['kappa_zz'][-n:]):.3}", 'm²/s')
init statistics plotting class
diffusion coefficients computed between 1.49e+13m and 1.00e+14m with 100 data points kappa_{xx}: 1.26e+18 m²/s +- 4.08e+16 m²/s kappa_{yy}: 1.29e+18 m²/s +- 5.23e+16 m²/s kappa_{zz}: 1.28e+20 m²/s +- 5.09e+18 m²/s input kappa_perp: 1.3e+18 m²/s input kappa_para: 1.4e+20 m²/s kappa_{xx}: 1.26e+18 m²/s +- 4.08e+16 m²/s kappa_{yy}: 1.29e+18 m²/s +- 5.23e+16 m²/s kappa_{zz}: 1.28e+20 m²/s +- 5.09e+18 m²/s